1st July 2012
Version 2.1 of SPA Dashboard has large screen display facility
Version 2.1 of the SPA Dashboard is now complete and being distributed in the coming weeks to SPA members. It's key new features are user security enabling management to authorize only relevant screens to users and a slide show facility.
The slide show facility is designed to allow you to display any number of the dashboard screens on a revolving basis. The idea being that you can have for example a Production slide show comprising the slides of your choice related to production which you could then display on a large screen in the relevant area. Similarly you can create slide shows for any department or even reception area. Each slide can be allocated a chosen time to be displayed and you can have as many different slide shows as you like in play at any time around the business.
As well as large screen displays the slide shows can be used by managers to cycle though the screens they normally view by clicking on each section. For example a slide show could be presented on an iPad on a managers desk instead of them needing to constantly move from screen to screen by clicking the dashboard tabs. This provides a major advantage over the previous version because for example if a business has 3 major machines then to view the statistics for those machines in Version 1, you had to drill down first to the machine and then to the statistic you wanted to view. Now that page is selectable as a slide so you could setup a slide show to see the specific statistics of the main machines that you choose.
For a demonstration of the SPA dashboard got to http://spa.abaca.co.uk A working example of a slide show has been created in the demonstration.
You will need to sign in using the following credentials
username: guest
password: cockpit